GIPS Standards

The Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) are a set of standardized, industry-wide principles that guide investment managers and asset owners on how to fairly calculate and present their investment results, with the goal of promoting performance transparency and comparability. The GIPS trademark, logo, and the GIPS standards are owned by CFA Institute.

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SAAJ is the GIPS Standards Sponsor in Japan and has contributed to revisions of the GIPS standards and creation of materials regarding guidance and interpretations through its local committee members’ participation in that process by CFA Institute. SAAJ provides the Japanese translation of the GIPS Standards for Firms (the 2020 edition) and organizes educational seminars on the GIPS standards in Japanese on a regular basis.

As such, SAAJ has continuously promoted the GIPS standards, and most major investment management firms are already in compliance with the GIPS standards in Japan.

For more information about the GIPS standards, which has three chapters for the 2020 edition, “GIPS Standards for Firms”, “GIPS Standards for Asset Owners”, and “GIPS Standards for Verifiers”, visit  the GIPS standards website of CFA Institute.

GIPS Standards別窓アイコン

Background to Adoption of the GIPS Standards in JapanPDF (149KB)

GIPS Standards
Professional Career Development
Ethics and Standards
About SAAJ

The Securities Analysts Association of Japan (SAAJ) is a member of ACIIA (The Association of Certified International Investment Analysts) and ASIF (Asian Securities and Investments Federation).
"CMA", "日本証券アナリスト協会認定アナリスト", and "Certified Member Analyst of the Securities Analysts Association of Japan" are registered trademarks owned by the Securities Analysts Association of Japan.


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